Sunday, September 6, 2009

Three alpha tiles

So I'm working on Design Brief #1 and found some great designs I'd love to attempt. The pictures were found from and I think these patterns will be easily morphed into an alphabetical feature.
I may be doing this wrong, but these are the three tiles I'd like to achieve for this brief.

Tile 1 is beautiful in itself but I'd love to recreate it in W's. Since it'll be in black and white, I think it'll be great if I made larger W's, maybe in a different design or different shaping, to give the tile the same affect as the floor on the wall. I feel like this would be really neat as a tiled bench in a zoo, in a new part where displays of non-fiction about the animals help visitors think about the animals in different ways. It could be placed near Zebras, since that's the affect I feel it'll give.

Tile 2, while in color, I think it could be great in black and white in O's on the kitchen wall of a poet’s house. I would love to create the chain-affect but make it on a smaller scale. Different shades of gray would also give it more character. This would show off the kitchen, as well as give the affect that the person living there is artistic in all aspects of their lives.

Finally Tile 3 would be great in black and white in use of the walls of a new Milwaukee light transit station, meant to make the large blank wall appealing to quickly passing commuters. I think it'll be slightly trippy when made with L's. I get a Tetris feel from this design and I think, even though it'll be rectangular in L's, it'll be super neat while put together with blacks, whites and shades of gray. This would look cool in a transit station. It would let people have something to look at while waiting for their commute, and it would allow those sitting for a short time to try to find designs in the shapes.

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