Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A response to Tiles

I am very proud of what I’ve managed to do for my tiles. I was also very happy to see that all three of my tiles wound up where they were supposed to be.
My Light Rail Station tile is my favorite. At first I wanted to evoke some sort of psychedelic feel that would look cool in a large scale, but then I got some feedback about it having the feeling of motion and it made a lot of sense. The font I chose has larger scale stems on each end of the M, and the middle part of the M is thinner, and, when placed one above the other as I did, I found that it looks like tracks, which is very evocative of a train station. When the vision is blurred slightly, the white and black also blend together, which I found interesting and I felt like it would be interesting to someone waiting for a train or even in passing.
The Unisex Bathroom was probably the hardest for me to complete. I tried to evoke the gender-neutral view but also have some interesting quality. I chose Ls in two different sizes and placed them together to form a geometric pattern. By making an even amount of the pattern in the corner and then a larger set in the middle, I feel it keeps everything neutral while also giving the viewer something to look at while they’re doing their business.
The Poets kitchen was also pretty hard for me to do, as I didn’t want it to be the cliché “letter on the tile.” I wanted to make it have a fluidity and grace which would inspire the poet and anyone else who may come into the kitchen. I thought of using a general sans serif type but then realized that the serif type was better for the feelings I wanted to evoke. I used varying sizes of Ms and overlapped and rotated the Ms around so the curl of the letter would come in contact with one or more other Ms. I felt like it looked slightly jumbled but I like how it turned out.

I feel I need to work harder on making a proper decision on my tiles: I must have deleted and retried the patterns about 10 times before settling on a pattern simply because it looked good and I was sick of attempting to make a decision. I found it hard to evoke the proper emotion from the tile and was thus forced to start over or try to figure out how to change it, something I’m not very good at.
I also don’t think I conveyed the right message in my feedback to the other designers in class. I saw a tile that worked well, and tried to make that message clear, it still came across wrong. The same thing happened with what I didn’t feel worked in the context. I think I may have insulted the designer because of what I said and all I was trying to say was that the design may not have been right for the context in which it was chosen. I don’t like giving critiquing feedback unless I know the other person isn’t going to take it the wrong way and I feel that’s what my fellow classmates did.

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