Sunday, February 8, 2009

Repurposing a sweater and what to do with a leechy nalgene

So I spent two days taking a sweater apart so I can wear it again. It was a lot of hard work and I was covered in red schnibbles of yarn but I'm officially done with getting it all taken apart and whatnot.

So what do you get when you take a long sleeved Mossimo sweater apart?

6 balls of varying sizes of red machine-washable yarn.
Now I have no idea what to make out of it.

Also, here's what I did with my old Nalgenes because I got an amazing Sigg bottle:

Along with all my other fun effects on my landing-pad upon entering my bedroom, I re-purposed my green nalgene into a needle holder. I put all my knitting needles (I just started my own collection... I'd been using my mom's before so I decided to start buying my own) and my crochet hooks (again... I'm starting my collection) as well as my chopsticks (for my hair).

It finally dawned on me last night that I can use them for that purpose because I've always thought I'd been losing a pair of needles and I don't have a bag for them because I like displaying them and/or they're always in use so... yeah... That's one way to repurpose your old Nalgenes!

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