Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Readings for 9.17.09

Every time I try to explain the difference between ambiguous and reversible to a friend, I found myself confusing the person I'm talking to. Either way I'd explain it, I'd be saying the same thing for each ambiguous and reversable. At first I made two tiles that I thought were the two ideas but then, after reading the two readings I figured out that my tiles were the same idea and I realized what the difference was between the two ideas.

So I redid the ambiguous tile. I even made sure that the best of my two created tiles would definitely be reversible.

In my mind, a reversible creation can have the colors inverted and still make a noticeable ground/figure distinction whereas the ambiguous tile represents one where the ground and the figure cannot be completely figured out. As the reading said, an ambiguous pattern challenges the viewer to find a focal point, and I think it's challenging to find a focal point and to find the right letter, font and placement to make something ambiguous.

I suppose it's easier said than done... I'm still working on making it happy and sunshine in my mind.

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