Sunday, July 6, 2008

We The Living Rocks Summerfest

I attended Summerfest, the biggest festival in the nation, for the first time in about six years to see We The Living on June 29. I had been anxiously waiting for this day and willingly shelled out the $15 to see JP, Jasper, Matt and Ben since I had wanted to see this quartet once more after seeing them earlier in the year. I immediately fell in love with their music and, if I could remember their set list past the first three songs, I’d definitely be writing a much better review for them. All I can tell you is that it was fantastic, and I wished their set could have been longer than 45 minutes.
For the first time, they played a new song from their recently cut album “Depths of the Earth” which we can anxiously anticipate to be finalized and released soon.
They played all the favorite songs of the crowd and, even though they played at 10 p.m., it wasn’t a deterrent for those of us who had to be up early the next morning. I would be lying if I didn’t leave the concert with a huge smile on my face and beaming over how great the concert was since We The Living never fail to impress me. We The Living next play at Warped Tour on August 1. If you’re willing to shell out the 40 bucks it costs to get in, most definitely do it since the guys are worth it; and there’s other good bands playing during the same day as well.

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