Sunday, July 6, 2008

Jones almost meets expectations

OK, OK, I know what you’re thinking—it’s ridiculously late for me to be writing this but I just found the book at the bookstore and I thought I would go ahead and read it and see how accurate it was to the movie starring Renee Zellweger.
It wasn’t.
The movie is great but it also adds a lot of information that isn’t in the book.
A lot of information.
I read the entire novel in about two days and found that many of the plotlines were accurate, but I found them scattered throughout the novel. The entire plotline with Bridget and Mark Darcy is completely changed around and in fact, Darcy starts a relationship much earlier in the book than in the movie. Actually, the majority of the plotline of Bridget and Daniel Cleaver is much different as well.
Magda, Bridget’s married friend, plays a much larger role in the novel than in the movie as well. Shazzer is known as Sharon for the most part during the novel and only referred to as Shazzer in the movie. This complicated things for me since I had never heard her called that. The Shazzer in the novel also barely says ‘fuck’ which is one of her favorite words in the movie.
Its not like I expected the movie to be exactly like the book but the book was so perfect that had they written the movie just as the book, it would have been much better and a much more funny movie.

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