Monday, May 19, 2008

A re-review of The Matches

I’ve been listening to The Matches’ newest album A Band in Hope for about a month now and I thought it would be an interesting idea to re-write a review for it. My opinions on many of the songs have changed and upon listening further I found a new liking and ultimate respect for the CD.

The album begins with AM Tilts, which, in its corniness, I actually quite like. It’s not some odd quality that just makes it work much better than some of the other songs. It’s slightly quirky and shows off Shawn’s voice really well. It reminds me a lot of their second album, Decomposer, which is what I was hoping to get out of this album.

I know I said before that Their City needs to be listened to in moderation but now I really like it. It’s kitchy and weird and I enjoy being able to turn up the volume and let down the windows and just share The Matches with the world!... or the people around me.

Wake the Sun is my version of Darkness Rising to everyone else. Everyone I’ve talked to has become terribly bored with Wake the Sun but I still love it. I saw it live and it was just fantastic and gave me a new love for the song. I still stand by my previous mention that there is no real difference between the chorus and verses… which still bugs me.

Darkness Rising is still a song I can’t make it through. Something about the Queen quality just irks me and I can’t stand it. I love Jon but… not enough to live through that song any more than I have to.

To Build a Mountain starts out with some of the best lyrics I’ve ever listened to. “Maybe a saint is just a dead prick with a good publicist.” It’s hilarious and the rest of the song is just as perfectly written. The ‘doos’ and the humming still get to me. If the words weren’t so good, I’d say this song bit the big one. Those lyrics save it though.

I still can’t make it through We Are One… Nuff said.

I remember hearing the Locals’ version of Point Me Toward The Morning and I was so excited to hear that song again for A Band In Hope. Now I know why it reminded me of E Von Dahl Killed The Locals, probably because it was written when they were still The Locals… I still really like the song.

I had decided to give 24C a second chance when I had heard something new about the name of the song. I also didn’t have a choice but to listen to it while in the car headed to the concert… damn you Marie for having control over the CD player… Either way… I listen to it and the words and I get why people like it… I would just rather skip it and go to something more up beat while in the car.

I don’t listen to Clouds Crash anymore… Something about the way it bores me.

Between Halloweens has a new perspective for me as well. I used to skip it because I thought it would be another monotone, ridiculous song I didn’t want to listen to, but now I find myself leaving the song on, either out of boredom or the next button is too far away or… just because it’s good.

I don’t listen to If I Were You that much. It repeats the words over and over and over again that I get bored.

Future Tense is a song I’ve had stuck in my head since early this morning. I wasn’t too stoked about the song at the very beginning but it’s growing on me… slowly, but it growing on me nonetheless.

I still thoroughly enjoy Yankee In A Chip Shop.

Upon hearing that 24C was actually a plane seat that Shawn was in while he was writing said song, Proctor Rd. has a new meaning for me. With the line “This is your capitain speaking,” I’m not sure whether he’s talking about being in a plane but the little ding at the end that sounds like the seatbelt sign on a plane makes me wonder if he also wrote Proctor Rd. while on a plane. I also wonder… is there an actual Proctor Rd… if there is, where is it?

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