Sunday, April 1, 2007

I'm only human

I'm only human...
I don't say the right things
I don't hold my tongue all the time
I laugh in uncomfortable situations
I can't tell when you're angry on AIM
I can't tell what you really mean when you don't tell me whats wrong
I don't know how to not get angry with you sometimes
I can't tell you whats wrong because it feels like you don't care
I can't be nice when you aren't to me
I hate it when you talk behind my back
I hate it when I talk behind your back
I hate it when you lie to me
I can't be there for you when you put yourself in bad situations
I can't help you when I don't know whats wrong
I am a terrible liar
I talk when I shouldn't
I am too blunt for you
I can't help you when you don't help me
I hate that I can't be myself around you
I hate that I can't tell you how I feel
I hate that I have to choose my words wisely
I hate that I have to wait for you to come around
I hate that you are the one that calls the shots
I hate how I never get advice from you
I hate that I help you all the time
I hate that you never want to hang out
I hate that you talk about me to others
I hate the way I find out these things
I can't be there for you when you don't tell me whats wrong
I hate how you are never there for me
I hate how I give so much to make you happy
I hate how you don't give any advice for my problems
I don't know how to be perfect
I can't be perfect
I don't know how to fix things
I don't know how to be your friend while being your friend
I don't know how to say the right thing
I don't know why I bug you
I scare you when I'm happy
I lose you when I am excited over something

I just want my friend back...

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